An elderly woman called Clara invites them to her house where she tells them about Turtwig and how it takes care of all the Pokémon in the area. Ash grabs Pikachu just as they are hit with Oddish's Sleep Powder, and then Turtwig carries Pikachu away. Ash, Brock and Dawn show up and Dawn tries to catch Turtwig, but a wild Oddish is hit by Turtwig's attacks. A wild Turtwig saves Pikachu from the cage and then attacks Team Rocket. Team Rocket escapes after stealing Pikachu yet again, so Ash has Starly knock down their hot-air balloon. Transcription: " Naetoru! Getto da ze!" ( Japanese: ナエトル!ゲットだぜ!) "Gettin' Twiggy with It!" (Naetle! I Got It!) At the end of the episode, it is revealed that Nando decided to drop neither one side and chose to take both Gyms and Contests. The two later find out that Nando is skilled and undecided about whether to challenge Gyms or Contests, causing Ash and Dawn to each try and persuade him to challenge their preferred competitions. Wanting to prove herself to Ash, Dawn challenges a Pokémon bard by the name of Nando to a battle. Transcription: " Potchama Tai Subomī! Hikari Hatsu Batoru!!" ( Japanese: ポッチャマ対スボミー!ヒカリ初バトル!!)Īsh and Dawn have started traveling together, but they are already having problems getting along with each other. "Dawn of a New Era!" (Pochama Against Subomie! Hikari's First Battle!!) Paul challenges Ash again and despite the battle ending in a tie, Ash feels like he lost. Ash, Dawn and Brock, now reunited with Pikachu, all head toward Jubilife City when they run into Paul again.

Dawn and Ash become fast friends as they head back to the Pokémon Lab to get a package that was sent from Ash's mother, which turns out to be a package of new clothes. Dawn, Piplup and Pikachu are helped by Ash, Aipom and Starly as they battle Team Rocket. Paul challenges Ash to a three-on-three Pokémon battle, but as Ash only has Aipom and Starly, Paul scoffs and leaves. While searching, they run into a new trainer named Paul, who immediately butt heads with each other over their respective training methods and Paul's condescending attitude towards Ash. Transcription: " Raibaru Batoru! San Tai San!!" ( Japanese: ライバルバトル!三対三!!)Īsh continues his search for Pikachu with Brock. "When Pokémon Worlds Collide!" (Rival Battle! Three On Three!!) The two of them then begin to track each other down with the aid of Professor Rowan, Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny.
Later on, Ash captures a Starly, then meets Professor Rowan for the first time shortly after Dawn calls him to update him. Ash begins his search for Pikachu when he reunites with Brock along the way. Dawn brings Pikachu to a nearby Pokémon Center and calls Professor Rowan. Team Rocket appears and tries to steal Pikachu again, but Pikachu fends them off with Dawn and Piplup's help. Mistaking it for a wild Pokémon, Dawn battles Pikachu with her Piplup and tries to catch it. Along the way, Ash's weakened Pikachu appears in front of her. Transcription: " Pikachū o Sagase! 202-ban Dōro!" ( Japanese: ピカチュウをさがせ!202番道路!)ĭawn, with her recently-acquired Piplup, sets her sights on Jubilife City for her first Pokémon Contest.

"Two Degrees of Separation!" (Find Pikachu! Route 202!) Meanwhile, Ash arrives in Sinnoh by ship and has an aerial battle with Team Rocket, resulting in Pikachu getting lost in a forest. Following the ordeal, Dawn and Piplup bond with each other, so Dawn decides to choose Piplup as her starter. She eventually finds Piplup trapped with other Pokémon in an Ariados' web. Chimchar and Piplup escape the lab so Dawn offers to go and look for them. She bumps into an elderly man, who turns out to be Professor Rowan! Arriving at his lab, Professor Rowan and Dawn find the lab destroyed after Professor Rowan's assistants were unable to stop two of the starter Pokémon, Piplup and Chimchar, from fighting. She starts out heading towards the Pokémon Laboratory in Sandgem Town to get her starter Pokémon, but gets lost. Transcription: " Tabidachi! Futaba Taun Kara Masago Taun e!!" ( Japanese: 旅立ち!フタバタウンからマサゴタウンへ!!)ĭawn is a 10-year-old girl living in the region of Sinnoh, aspiring to become a great Pokémon Coordinator like her mother. "Following a Maiden's Voyage!" (Setting Off! From Futaba Town to Masago Town!!)